Character Information
Name: Psychomode
World:Rookgaard OTS
Balance:0 Gold Coins.
Last login:17 May 2024, 11:48 pm
Character views:2676 times
Player Health: 4260/4260
Player Mana:4110/4110
Player Level:823
Player Experience:9248876970 EXP.

PvP Statistics (numbers below represent the amount of use of a rune or spell.)
Magic Wall Rune Paralyze Rune Heal Friend Spell
0 times 0 times 0 times

Exp History K = 1,000 (Thousand) | M = 1,000,000 (Milion) | B = 1,000,000,000 (Bilion)
2 days ago0
3 days ago0
4 days ago0
5 days ago0
6 days ago0
7 days ago0
7 days sum0

Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fishing
823 13 10 10 77 15 74 74 10

Outfit Name with Addons Outfit Looktype
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
with addons
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Quests List on Rookgaard OTS
96/100 Quests Completed in 96%
Spike Sword Quest (Rookgaard lvl 25 +)
Annihilator Quest (Rookgaard lvl 50 +)
Fire Axe Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 60 +)
Demon Helmet Quest (Rookgaard lvl 80 +)
Zaoan Fist Quest (Edron lvl 80 +)
Summer Dress Quest (Vintera lvl 140 +)
Tempest Shield Quest (Expgard lvl 140 +)
Behemoth Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 150 +)
Annihilator II Quest (Rookgaard lvl 150 +)
Pits of Inferno Quest (Rookgaard lvl 150 +)
Rose Shield Quest (Vintera lvl 160 +)
Inquisition Quest (Edron lvl 200 +)
Elvish Bow Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 200 +)
Flawless Ice Crystal Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 220 +)
Armors Skills Quest (Aldera lvl 220 +)
Pits of Inferno II Quest (Expgard lvl 220 +)
Donator Boots Quest (Aldera lvl 240 +)
Heavy Mace Quest (Kalwaria lvl 250 +)
Nerol Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 250 +)
Girls Dress Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 260 +)
Nightmare Shield Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 260 +)
Ice Axe Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 275 +)
Demon Oak Quest (Rookgaard lvl 280 +)
Annihilator III Quest (Expgard lvl 280 +)
Demon Helmet II Quest (Expgard lvl 300 +)
Bunny Slippers Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 300 +)
Pits of Inferno III Quest (Kalwaria lvl 300 +)
Magic Plate Armor Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 300 +)
Impaler Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 320 +)
Havoc Blade Quest (Ankaros lvl 320 +)
Firewalker Boots Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 333 +)
Dragon Scale Helmet Quest (Expgard lvl 340 +)
Post Officers Hat Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 350 +)
Donator Shield Quest (Aldera lvl 350 +)
Elven Armor Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 350 +)
Inquisition II Quest (Edron lvl 350 +)
Yalahari Set Quest (Vintera lvl 360 +)
100 Crystal Coins Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 380 +)
Great Shield Quest (Vintera lvl 380 +)
Juggernaut Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 380 +)
Orange Magic Amulet Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 380 +)
Demon Legs Quest (Kalwaria lvl 380 +)
Elven Legs Quest (Kalwaria lvl 380 +)
Santa Teddy Quest (Aldera lvl 380 +)
Golden Sword Quest (Vintera lvl 380 +)
Speed Helmet Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 380 +)
Technomancer Beard Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 400 +)
Winged Helmet (Hardcore Land lvl 400 +)
Guardian Boots Quest (Celgora lvl 400 +)
Brown Jacket Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 400 +)
Golem Ring Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 400 +)
Demonwing Axe Quest (Vintera lvl 410 +)
Labirynt Quest (Celgora lvl 410 +)
Ancient Tiara Quest (Aldera lvl 410 +)
Eagle Shield Quest (Edron lvl 410 +)
Silkweaver Bow Quest (Edron lvl 410 +)
Crystal Boots Quest (Edron lvl 410 +)
Pits of Inferno IV Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 420 +)
Inquisition III Quest (Edron lvl 420 +)
Speed Amulet Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 420 +)
Demon Helmet III Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 420 +)
Mexcalibur Quest (Celgora lvl 420 +)
Kosheis Ancient Amulet Quest (Ankrahmun lvl 420 +)
Golden Boots (Edron lvl 425 +)
Natural Plant Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 430 +)
Dwarven Legs Quest (Rookgaard lvl 440 +)
Diablo Mask Quest (Aldera lvl 440 +)
Annihilator IV Quest (Aldera lvl 440 +)
Crystal Arrow Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 444 +)
Nighalak Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 444 +)
Firlefanz Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 450 +)
Cobra Crown Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 460 +)
Dwarven Helmet Quest (Celgora lvl 460 +)
Labirynt II Quest (Celgora lvl 480 +)
Annihilator V Quest (Aldera lvl 480 +)
Haunted Blade Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 500 +)
Mana Bucket Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 500 +)
Dragon Scale Boots Quest (Aldera lvl 500 +)
Witch Broom Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 520 +)
Magical Amulet Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 520 +)
Starlight Amulet Quest (Aldera lvl 520 +)
Ferumbras Hat Quest (Rookgaard lvl 540 +)
Demon Helmet IV Quest (Aldera lvl 550 +)
Labirynt III Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 550 +)
Pits of Inferno V Quest (Aldera lvl 550 +)
Dragon Scale Legs Quest (Rookgaard lvl 555 +)
Golden Gloves Quest (Aldera lvl 555 +)
Blue Demon Quest (Aldera lvl 555 +)
Magic Longsword Quest (Aldera lvl 555 +)
Inquisition IV Quest (Edron lvl 580 +)
Draken Boots Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 580 +)
Shield of Corruption Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 600 +)
Magic Ring Quest (Celgora lvl 600 +)
Labirynt IV Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 620 +)
Magnetic Quest (Aldera lvl 620 +)
Fist Claw Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 650 +)
Pits of Inferno VI Quest (Aldera lvl 650 +)
Demon Helmet V Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 720 +)
Chamber of Secrets Quest (Aldera lvl 750 +)
Mystical Underworld Quest (Hardcore Land lvl 800 +)

Last Deaths
17.05.2024, 23:46:51Died at level 825 by a hellspawn.
17.05.2024, 22:41:03Died at level 826 by a hellspawn.
17.05.2024, 16:57:29Died at level 824 by a hellspawn.
9.05.2024, 21:21:53Died at level 799 by a hellspawn.
25.04.2024, 16:50:23Died at level 801 by a blinx, by a fire master and by a fire elemental.
22.04.2024, 10:47:41Died at level 798 by a hellspawn.
21.04.2024, 19:59:40Died at level 789 by a hellspawn.
21.04.2024, 15:26:33Died at level 787 by a demonic masters, by a undead drasterson and by a dark toruneros.
21.04.2024, 2:31:05Died at level 779 by a hellspawn.
19.04.2024, 15:08:59Died at level 761 by a hellspawn.

Last Frags
22 Apr 2024, 15:54 He fragged Basior at level 210. (Justified)
21 Apr 2024, 15:27 He fragged Basior at level 178. (Justified)
21 Apr 2024, 15:26 He fragged Kutkurulli at level 657. (Justified)
9 Apr 2024, 20:11 He fragged Ktuas at level 531. (Unjustified)
9 Apr 2024, 20:11 He fragged Cipidelko at level 514. (Unjustified)

Account Information
Notations: 0
Criminal records: 0

1. Nie Polecam OtsaRookgaard OTS1 NoneOffline
2. Oldari LegendariRookgaard OTS1 NoneOffline
3. PsychomodeRookgaard OTS823 RookstayerOffline

Search Character
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. PsychomodeLevel: (823)
2. LemekLevel: (791)
3. KutkurulliLevel: (656)
4. KtuasLevel: (530)
5. Taifun DevilryLevel: (530)