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15.03.2024 - Rookgaard OtsAuthor: Rook OTS

Rookgaard OTS Server Info
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This is the Legendary Rookgaard from Simson Ots, created several years ago out of passion, which has 10 cities and 100+ different quests on the server there is no SMS shop.

After reaching level 15 you can buy promotions from NPC Rookstayer and start using your spells the spell list is available after entering im game command !spells

Below are screenshots of 10 cities you can move to each city by talking to the NPC Captain Rook.

Rookgaard oraz Expgard

Ankaros oraz Ankrahmun

Vintera oraz Kalwaria

Edron oraz Hardcore Land

Celgora oraz Aldera

Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. PsychomodeLevel: (823)
2. LemekLevel: (791)
3. KutkurulliLevel: (656)
4. KtuasLevel: (530)
5. Taifun DevilryLevel: (530)